what part of a map is used to find orientation

Maps are usually created from the perspective of a detail direction.  The directionality of a map is known equally its orientation.

The popularity of online mapping such every bit Google Maps has conditioned many people to expect due n to always be towards the top of the map and south towards the lesser.

Historically, maps accept non ever been oriented north.  Different geographic and religious influences take changed over time how maps are oriented.

Aesthetics, political interests, egotism, and navigation are some of the other reasons why cartographers over the ages have used different map orientations.

North Orientation Maps

Claudia Ptolemy (90-168 Advert), a classical Greek cartographer was credited with creating the showtime known atlas.  His drove of cartography in Geographia, was an early example of orienting maps towards the due north.

North orientation came back into favor during the Great Age of Exploration with the need for seafaring explorers to orient themselves with their compasses.  The importance of orienting maps towards the north was a reflection of the importance of knowing where magnetic north was.

Today, a north orientation is commonplace amongst many cartographers and almost all online mapping applications.

Ptolemy's World Map from Geographia (~150 CE), reproduced in the 15th Century.
Ptolemy's Earth Map from Geographia (~150 CE), reproduced in the 15th Century.

East Orientation Maps

During the medieval historic period religious doctrine influenced cartography.

European cartographers oriented their maps towards the Holy Land since Jerusalem was the place of Christ's death and resurrection.  In fact, the world "orient" comes from the Latin discussion "oriens", meaning Eastward.

Examples of maps with an east orientation are the Mappa Mundi (Medieval European world maps) such every bit the T-O map.

The T-O maps was a symbolic representation of the world, with the O representing boundary of the world, encircled past the earth'southward oceans. The T nested within the O divided the world into the Northern Hemispheres' three continents: Asia at the top, Europe to the left, and Africa to the right (the southern hemisphere was ignored every bit it was considered inhabitable at the fourth dimension).

The horizontal bar of the T represented the Mediterranean Sea and the vertical portion of the T the Nile River and Don River.

Heavily influenced by Christianity, European cartographers in medieval times oriented the maps so that due east was at the acme where the dominicus rose and the Paradise was idea to lie.

The Hereford Mappa Mundi, circa 1300, England.
The Hereford Mappa Mundi, circa 1300, England.

Due west Orientation Maps

In that location aren't a lot of west orientation maps.

In 1635, a map of New Netherlands and New England created past Dutch cartographer Willem Blaeu shows a due west orientation.

A map of New Netherlands and New England created by Dutch cartographer Willem Blaeu has a west orientation, 1635.
A map of New Netherlands and New England created by Dutch cartographer Willem Blaeu has a west orientation, 1635.

Jan Huygen Linschoten's Map of South America created in 1596 is another case of a west-oriented map. The South America has been tilted so that the length of the continent is stretched horizontally across the page.

South Orientation Maps

Maps with south oriented towards the top of the map are known as south-up or contrary maps, since the map appears upside down to those used to a map orientation towards the north.

In these maps, Southward is oriented the summit of the map, due east is towards the left of the map and westward towards the right.

Arab cartographers similar Ibn Hawqal commonly use a southward map orientation; in the 10th century he created a world map with due south at the top.

The Moroccan cartographer, Muhammad al-Idrisi, drew a earth map in 1154 ordinarily known as " Tabula Rogeriana" (Book of Roger) for King Roger Ii of Sicily, showing south at the acme of the map.

Tabula Rogeriana, 1154 by Muhammad al-Idrisi with south orientation.
Tabula Rogeriana, 1154 by Muhammad al-Idrisi with s orientation.

Cartographers from the Dieppe School of Cartography in the xvith century produced table maps with a due south orientation.

Pierre Desceliers, a French cartographer during the Renaissance creating a globe map in 1550 meant to exist viewed around a table and showed parts of the world turn towards the due south.

In 1566 Nicolas Desliens also created a map of the world showing due south towards the superlative. The map is currently housed in the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris.

Map by Jean Rotz from his Boke of Idrography presented to Henry VIII of England in 1542. South is oriented at the top of the page.
Map by Jean Rotz from his Boke of Idrography presented to Henry VIII of England in 1542. South is oriented at the meridian of the folio.

In contemporary cartography, south-up maps are mostly created to protest Western Hemisphere bias in some earth maps.

Launched on Australia day, Stuart McArthur premiered his Universal Corrective Map (1979) which showed a south orientation.

S-up Peters projection map

This concept was the focus of a scene in the West Wing's second flavour episode, "Somebody's Going to Emergency, Somebody'southward Going to Jail" where a s-up Peters projection map is featured in a presentation by the fictitious Organization of Cartographers for Social Equality which advocated for the mandated apply of the Peters map project in simple schoolhouse geography courses equally a more realistic representation of the world.

No Unified Map Orientation

Maps produced during the Golden Historic period of Japanese Cartography from the 1600s to effectually 1855 had no standard orientation.

Many maps had a center orientation radiating from the palace in Edo or no apparent directional orientation.

It wasn't was until the influx of foreign influences starting with Commodore Perry'due south Expedition in the 1850s that Japanese cartography started to adopt western traditions of orienting maps towards the north.

Custom Map Orientation

Non all maps are oriented due north, south, eastward, or w. Some maps have a custom orientation to promote a political purpose or to help with navigation.

For example, maps created by the City of Santa Monica have a rotation of 46 degrees so that the beach is e'er shown at the bottom of maps.  This is done for aesthetic purposes and results in an orientation that is northeast instead of due north.

The New York City Section of Transportation places pedestrian friendly maps around the city with the orientation rotated to be "heads-up" or forward-facing and so that viewers are facing the map in the aforementioned direction they continuing for readability. This helps pedestrians to amend orient themselves in relationship to the landmarks on the map and to better navigate the city.

A lot of tourist maps for entertainment parks, zoos, and other areas of involvement commonly show the entrance to the location at the bottom of the map to help people orient themselves meliorate.

Polar Maps of the Arctic and Antarctica have custom projections with orientations towards the poles.

Maps and References

Dempsey, Caitlin.  2013. "Maps for the Northward Challenged Coming to New York City.GIS Lounge.  Retrieved September 13, 2014.

Dempsey, Caitlin. "To North Arrow or Non to North Arrow." GIS Lounge, 13 Sept. 2011. Retrieved ten Jan. 2014: http://www.gislounge.com/to-north-arrow-or-not-to-north-arrow/.

Edo. 1849. Japanese Map of Edo or Tokyo, Japan http://www.geographicus.com/P/AntiqueMap/Edo-tokyo-1849

Edson, Evelyn. Mapping Time and Space: How Medieval Mapmakers Viewed Their World. London: British Library, 1997. Print.

Gulliver, F. P. (1908). Orientation of maps.Periodical of Geography,7(3), 55-58. https://doi.org/10.2307/198344

Nicolas Deslins 1566 – Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris. http://histoirededieppe.chez.com/delien01.htm

Irving, Francis. "The Upsidedown Map Page." Globe Maps with Southward at the Top. 04 Aug. 2008. Retrieved eleven Jan. 2014: http://www.flourish.org/upsidedownmap/.

Unno, Kazutaka. (1994). "Cartography in Nippon". Chapter 11 in vol. 2, book ii of History of Cartography: Cartography in the Traditional East and Southeast Asian Societies(Hartley et al., eds.). Chicago: University of Chicago Printing, 1994.


  • What is a Map?
  • Persuasive Cartography: How Maps are Used to Shape Our Beliefs
  • How Black Cartographers Highlighted Injustice


Source: https://www.geographyrealm.com/map-orientation/

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