Who Voted Agains the Violence Against Women Act 2019

House votes to reauthorize Violence Against Women Act

Washington — The House voted Wednesday to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Human action (VAWA), the landmark 1994 law that strengthened domestic violence protections for women.

The Business firm approved the reauthorization by a vote of 244 to 172, with 29 Republicans joining all Democrats in voting for it. But the measure, which expired two years ago, may hit a roadblock in the evenly divided Senate.

VAWA enshrines legal protections for women who take experienced domestic and sexual violence. It was initially passed in 1994, championed past then-Senator Joe Biden, and was updated and reauthorized in 2000, 2005 and 2013. The bill expired at the end of 2022 due to a government shutdown and was briefly renewed by a resolution reopening the government, only expired again in February 2019. Mr. Biden fabricated reauthorizing VAWA a key entrada promise earlier he was elected.

The White House Office of Direction and Upkeep released a statement on Wednesday maxim that "the administration strongly supports" reauthorizing VAWA.

"VAWA reauthorization is more than urgent at present than ever, specially when the pandemic and economic crunch have simply farther increased the risks of abuse and the barriers to safety for women in the United States," the argument said. "The administration is pleased that H.R. 1620 recognizes the demand to provide protection and services to all victims of corruption and includes proposals to strengthen existing policies that were supported by both Democrats and Republicans last year. The Administration urges swift passage of this legislation."

The current nib would aggrandize victims services and reauthorize grant programs for the criminal justice response to domestic and sexual violence. It as well includes provisions that would expand housing options for survivors, and end immunity for non-Native perpetrators of sexual violence on tribal lands.

It would also close the then-called "swain loophole" to prevent dating partners and stalkers convicted of domestic violence or abuse from purchasing and owning firearms. Previous versions of the bill already prevented spouses convicted of domestic violence or abuse from obtaining firearms.

The Business firm passed a version of VAWA including this amendment in 2019, but information technology died in the Senate, which was then controlled by Republicans. Some GOP lawmakers objected to this portion of the beak, arguing it was as well wide. Republicans besides offered objections to provisions that would have expanded protections for LGBTQ and undocumented immigrant victims.

In 2019, the bill received support from 33 House Republicans, and the current version is cosponsored past Republican Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick.

"Congress has historically reauthorized VAWA with wide, bipartisan agreement, and I expect forward to working aslope my colleagues to ensure that VAWA continues to protect victims and survivors across the nation," Fitzpatrick said in a statement when the bill was introduced earlier this month.

However, it's unclear whether VAWA volition be able to garner sufficient support in the Senate. Democrats agree a slim 50-seat majority, and most legislation requires 60 votes to advance in the Senate. Democrats will need support from at to the lowest degree 10 Republicans for the beak to move forwards.

GOP Senator Joni Ernst, who introduced a unlike VAWA reauthorization bill in 2022 that lacked the support to be approved in the Senate, told reporters on Tuesday that she would again introduce her ain version of VAWA. She added that young man Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski was collaborating with her on portions related to protecting women on tribal lands.

"What we're hoping to evidence is that we have enough Republican support on our neb, and that we're willing to piece of work with Democrats on this, and hopefully, by combining forces we can come upwardly with the 60 votes needed and pass a good modernized bill that will work for the Senate, hopefully then the House," Ernst said.

Murkowski told reporters on Tuesday that VAWA had previously been "derailed" considering of the provision closing the "boyfriend loophole."

"I think it's critically important that we advance VAWA," she said.

The House on Wed also approved a resolution eliminating the deadline for ratifying the Equal Rights Subpoena. The resolution passed largely forth party lines with a vote of 222 to 204, and 4 Republicans joining all Democrats in support of the measure.

During the floor contend alee of the vote, Democratic Congresswoman Jackie Speier, the bill's sponsor, quoted the belatedly Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

"Antonin Scalia, the not bad jurist, said in one case, does the Constitution require discrimination based on sex? The answer is no. Just if the question is, does the Constitution prohibit discrimination based on sexual activity? The respond is also no. That should ship a chilling feeling in each of us that in the Constitution of the United States, women are not protected," Speier said. "There can be no expiration date on equality."

An identical resolution has been introduced by Democratic Senator Ben Cardin and Murkowski in the Senate. The initial deadline was 1979, and was extended to 1982. No new states voted to ratify the amendment until 2017, when information technology was approved by Nevada. The amendment was ratified by Illinois in 2022 and Virginia in 2020.

Although the ERA reached the 38-state threshold needed to be adopted with Virginia's ratification, the Justice Department headed by quondam Attorney General William Barr issued an opinion in early 2022 saying that the ratifications by the three states did not count since they occurred after the deadline.

The House passed a bill in 2022 eliminating the deadline, merely it quickly stalled in the Senate, every bit and so-Senate Bulk Leader Mitch McConnell refused to bring information technology to the floor for a vote.

Murkowski told reporters on Tuesday that she did not believe the resolution currently had enough Republican votes to pass.

"On the Equal Rights Amendment, I wish that I could tell you that we had more Republican support for that at this betoken in fourth dimension. We keep to piece of work that," Murkowski said.


Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/violence-against-women-act-house-reauthorizes/

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